Thursday, April 21, 2011


my little record collection is one of my very favorite things. nothing really beats the experience of placing a vinyl record on a turntable and setting the needle on it's spinning surface. music is so wonderful and listening to records lends a magic and warmth that other audio forms just do not have.

pink cupcakes

made some gluten free strawberry cupcakes the other day. they're cute as imaginable and taste delish as well.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

april indie market

i was not at the indie market this month, but my friend anna was, and it was her first time! she really is so talented and makes the cutest things, and i think she did well! unfortunately it was chilly and damp on april first this year, which i'm sure deterred some people from coming out, i hung out with anna at her table for a while, and we were freeeeeezing. so hopefully next month it will be warmer and there will be even more foot traffic!

Friday, April 1, 2011


this is the black bean burrito bowl from fishbones i tried to recreate. one of my favorite things to eat. and also, i just like taking pictures of food.