Sunday, November 21, 2010


this week i finished watching the last episode of lost.....i began watching the series in the summer, and finally finished season six this fall. and what an awesome six seasons it was. i really loved being able to watch episodes back to back, and all in such a short time span, and i think i would have been frustrated watching it while it aired, but as it was, it was just so enjoyable. a lot of people were dissatisfied with the end, but i felt pretty content with it. more than anything, the show was about the six seasons for me, and how good it was while it lasted, i wasn't waiting for some big mystery to be revealed at the end, so i wasn't disappointed. and i definitely think lost was the best television series i have ever watched, hands down. so entertaining and so well done and richly detailed. i can't wait to go back and watch the whole series again, honestly.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

mmm cookies

check out these delicious cookies....they are both gluten free and vegan, and also, besides the chocolate chips, they are free of refined sugar as well. they are also pretty yum, if i do say so myself. i was pleased with them. i sort of combined a couple of recipes and subbed some stuff, and came up with:
dry ingredients:
3/4 cup gluten free flour
1 1/2 cups rolled oats
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder

combined with:
1/2 of a very ripe mushed banana
1/4 cup demerara sugar
1/4 cup honey (or maple if you want them truly vegan)
1 tsp blackstrap molasses
1/2 cup olive oil
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup dairy free chocolate chips
drop by the tsp full on a lightly greased cookie sheet, bake at 350 for about 10 minutes, don't wait until they are golden, they'll be burned, they might look slightly underdone if you aren't used to baking without butter and eggs, but i assure you, they should be done by 11 minutes at most. cool, and enjoy!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

so cute

i want that bike, and that dress, and those shoes. pleaseandthankyou.

new iron & wine...

so excited for iron & wine's new album in january, and so excited to get the new single, walking far from home, on black friday

Saturday, November 6, 2010

coconut milk ice cream

i've been experimenting a lot lately with making coconut milk ice cream. this particular time, i basically just made a smoothy, with coconut milk, and strawberries, and bananas, blended it until it was very smooth, and threw it in my ice cream maker for a half hour. it came out pretty delicious, i must say.

Friday, November 5, 2010

first friday indie market

tonight was the first friday indie market downtown. my second month at the market, i shared a booth with my friend ginny, the jewelry is hers, the scarves and hair accessories are mine. it was a cold night, and kind of slow, but a good time nonetheless. there were tons of vendors this month, which was awesome to see.

Monday, November 1, 2010

flowers in her hair

handmade flower hairpins & headbands