Sunday, November 21, 2010


this week i finished watching the last episode of lost.....i began watching the series in the summer, and finally finished season six this fall. and what an awesome six seasons it was. i really loved being able to watch episodes back to back, and all in such a short time span, and i think i would have been frustrated watching it while it aired, but as it was, it was just so enjoyable. a lot of people were dissatisfied with the end, but i felt pretty content with it. more than anything, the show was about the six seasons for me, and how good it was while it lasted, i wasn't waiting for some big mystery to be revealed at the end, so i wasn't disappointed. and i definitely think lost was the best television series i have ever watched, hands down. so entertaining and so well done and richly detailed. i can't wait to go back and watch the whole series again, honestly.


davidwimbish said...

I feel the same way. I watched it in about a month ( i had no other life) and made it so that I finished the next to last episode the day before the final episode was on TV. I really enjoyed it that way, and I enjoyed the last episode. I think it fit really well with the season. Mira, however, didn't like the last one at all. But we both think the whole show was absolutely incredible.

lateinseptember said...

it really was just so darn good.