Wednesday, December 29, 2010

live simply.

as i said in my last post, i of course realize that turning over a new leaf can happen at any time of the year, i don't really "believe" in new years resolutions generally, but this year i am embarking on an exercise in restraint that just so happens to coincide with the new year. in an effort to life more simply and sustainably, i am refraining from any new clothing/shoe/accessory purchases this year.

anybody who knows me knows i love clothes...a LOT. i can't deny that at times making fashion purchases is a sort of twisted therapy....all the more reason to fast from it. now, it isn't as though i spend more than i have, or impulse buy things i don't wear, i love all my clothes, i wear them all, and my closet isn't insanely over bloated or something. however, more and more i see the need to live simply, and make do with less and make decisions conscious of the effect they have on me/other people/the world at large....the consumerism of our throw away, outsourced, self focused culture depresses me to no end...and this year i am going to practice what i preach in a very tangible and personal way. i have no intention of, after this year's end, to go back to my previous purchasing habits, and every intention of making more conscious clothing purchases and buying secondhand as much as possible. this is more or less to kickstart that sort of lifestyle. and to practice self control.

things might get a bit dicey towards the end of the year as all my jeans happen to be getting old and wearing in certain places...but i'll patch 'em. or wear my skirts or shorts with tights. or whatever. i'm not buying anything new for a year. i need the break from consumerism and let's be honest, i have plenty to wear....even if i have to get a bit inventive to make it work out. everybody i have told this plan to has voiced a certain level of skepticism, because as aforementioned, i freaking love clothes. fashion is one of my favorite things. but it's not like i'm throwing my love of style away. this is a perfect time for me to reacquaint myself with all the things in my closet i already have that i love. so there it is. i'm making a "new years resolution".


Anna said...

Good for you Amy. I say go for it. It will be hard but also a challenge that will make you think in a different way and wear your clothes in new fun ways. I have a friend from school who did this and she succeeded just like I know you will :o)

Dana said...

This is great!! I agree with Anna that it will be a challenge, but I think it would be fun to get really creative and inventive. Make something new out of what you have... are thrift store purchases allowed?